Servicing and Repairs
At Faulds we offer a full servicing and repairs service at our garage in Heathhall. However tempting it might be to skip a car’s annual service or manufacturer’s mileage interval, you’re likely to pay handsomely in the future. What may save you a few pounds in the short term, may well lead to a more expensive outcome.
The aim of servicing the car regularly is to allow the car to run as smoothly as possible. It also gives the mechanic an opportunity to identify any problems that may be developing.
If you do less than 8000 miles a year an annual service would suffice, however if you are a heavy user, more regular intervals are recommended. We offer a full service at Keith Faulds which includes a check/refill of brakes, oil, oil filter, lights, air filter, pollen filter, fuel filter (external to tank) and spark plugs (petrol engines).
Book an appointment
Complete the form below and we will be in touch regarding Servicing and Repairs. Just let us know your details and preferred contact method.
Servicing and Repairs: DIAGNOSTICS
State of the art computer diagnostic equipment allows our team to effectively diagnose and rectify faults with almost every make of car. This includes:
- Hella
- Snap On
- Main Dealer software
- VagCom
- Tyre Pressure Monitor reset equipment